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How to Court a Thai Woman: Bangkok Dating

Woman holding a flower. Understand what they like in order to land a Thai girlfriend.

There are a lot of guys combing through those 100 percent free dating sites in order to make a connection with a woman from Thailand, because there are a lot of guys who think that a woman from Thailand would make the ideal partner. The problem with a lot of these guys is that they are not always fully aware of how to court a Thai woman.

The thing about a relationship is that it is usually preceded by a period of courtship, and a relationship with a Thai lady is not likely to be any different. So if a man wants to date such a woman, then he’s going to have to do more than just send a few sweet messages on those totally free online dating sites. He’s going to have to put the work in.

Which is why the dating stage is important. Sure, the initial connection online will be the foundation on which a relationship can be built, but it is the dating stage that strengthens the foundation or reveals that it is flawed in the fundamental sense.

A few great or even just good dates can be beneficial to a man who wants to be with a woman. A few great or even just good dates can be the very thing that compels a woman that the man with whom she was on the date is worth the emotional investment of a relationship. But a guy is going to need to know the kind of dates Thai women prefer.

The preferences of Thai women are going to be important if a man wants to make a strong enough connection with one to get a Thai girlfriend.

So the kind of dates that you go on with such women are going to be of utmost importance. The dates should be good so as to maximize your chances with such women.

  1. Dinner and a Show
  2. When it comes to dating, there are a few standbys that a guy can go to. These types of date experiences are fine and they’re perfectly serviceable for the most part. They may not be the most spectacular of dates, but the margin for error is pretty thin, so messing up is something that is pretty hard to do.

    Dinner and a show (or even just dinner) can make for a fun, if not, surprising date. Adding a show to the equation can be a pretty good idea, since it provides both a couple of hours worth of entertainment and a topic of conversation later on for the dinner date or the walk home.

    Of course, the kind of entertainment chosen is going to be important. A movie will generally be fine and a sporting event will be dependent on the preferences of the woman you are with.

    So if you want to know how to court a Thai woman, you are going to have to know what her preferences are.

  3. The Beach
  4. The thing about Southeast Asia is that the Pacific ocean provides quite a few beaches, and the thing about beaches is that a lot of people, local or otherwise, seem to like them quite a bit. So if you are trying to get with the women in Thailand, then maybe it’s not a terrible idea to head down to a beach.

    Plus, beaches can be pretty inexpensive since the sun, sand, and water are right there. Usually, the cost will be the travel, lodgings, and snacks. But the actual beach itself will likely be free of charge.

  5. Tourist Trap
  6. The thing about meeting someone on a dating site is that you two may have to meet at some point in the future in order to move the relationship forward. Now, you may have to fly to Thailand. The thing about Thailand is that you may not be as familiar with the country as a local would be.

    So if you are dating a woman in Thailand, it may be best to let her take the lead so as to to avoid places that are more than willing to take advantage of a tourist who may not know better. So it’d be great to let the woman take the lead to avoid tourist traps.

  7. Just Walking Around
  8. Dates do not always need to be all that active. Sometimes, just walking around a city with someone can be a pretty great date. Not only can it help a traveller get familiar with the city and also see parts of it, it can also be a pretty great way to stretch the legs.

    Plus the thing about just walking around is that it’s a great opportunity to have a conversation, which is important for getting to know one another and getting to know each other is kind of an important part of being in a relationship.

    Chatting on those dating sites for singles is all well and good, but a face to face conversation can be even better since you’re actually in the same place and that same place can be her hometown.

  9. In Nature
  10. Thailand has some great natural beauty and it’s not just the women. Thailand has great forests, which can make for great hiking trails, so exploring Thai natural wonders can be a very great date idea indeed for more than a few couples.

    Plus, immersing in nature can be relaxing. The fresh air can be good for a lot of people, particularly for older men who may no longer be in the prime of their lives. Their prime may have long past, but maybe there are ways to get a small piece of it back, which can be done by getting some fresh air and maybe dating someone a little younger.

    There’s no secret bit of knowledge for knowing how to court a Thai women. There’s just being there with her and making sure that quality time is spent between the two of you. At the end of the day, all there is to it is spending time with her and making sure she’s happy.